Tuesday 22 September 2015



Ferrotec has led the development of ferrofluid technology since 1968. With comprehensive fluid development and applications laboratories in both the US and Japan, our experienced staff of scientists and engineers are available to assist you in solving your engineering challenges using ferrofluid.

About Ferrotec

Ferrotec is a diversified technology company with a worldwide presence in a broad array of end products, manufacturing systems, and industries. We provide our customers with advanced material, component, and assembly solutions that make their products work better, more precisely, and more reliably.
Founded on a technology core of Ferrofluid magnetic liquid and Ferrofluidic® sealing products, our company and our product portfolio have grown to meet the evolving needs of our customers. Ferrotec is now a global enterprise characterized by substantial intercompany cooperation in research, manufacturing and marketing of products.
Our Values 
  • Strong commitment to our customers
  • Excellence in engineering precision solutions
  • Delivering superior quality, value and service
Ferrotec At a Glance
  • Headquarted in Tokyo, Japan
  • Regional Operation Centers in North America, Europe, Japan, China, and Singapore
  • Manufacturing Locations in the USA, Germany, Japan, and China
  • Over 3000 employees worldwide
About Ferrotec (USA) Corporation Ferrotec (USA) Corporation is headquarted in Santa Clara, California. Our operations are focused on North American markets with facilities in Bedford, NH and Livermore, CA. Ferrotec (USA) Corp. employs over 100 people in the design, manufacture, sales and marketing of a broad line of products.
Our Core Businesses Globally, Ferrotec serves customers through many applications and industries. In the North American markets we focus on select business segments, increasing our speed and efficiency working with customers in those industries. While our knowledge base is particularly strong in these areas, our product groups share their expertise, making Ferrotec very adaptable in the shape of changing market synergies.
  • Ferrofluid
  • Ferrofluidic solutions
  • Thermal solutions
  • Fabricated Quartzware
  • Advanced Ceramics
  • Vacuum coating solutions
  • Temescal Systems
From:  https://www.ferrotec.com/company/about/

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