Tuesday 22 September 2015

Electrically Heated Coating

Electrically Heated Coating 

The electrical heating solutions of FutureCarbon are based on the principle of resistive heating, also referred to as ohmic or joule heater. The amount of current flowing at a given voltage is related to the electrical resistance of the conductor to its passage. By applying an electrical voltage to a resistor and implying a current flow, energy is transferred into the resistor. Hereby, the electrical energy is directly converted into thermal energy, i.e. heat. 
Resistive heating causes a thermal radiation which causes a sun like feeling of warmth. Radiation heat directly warms up people and objects, rather than warming the surrounding air as done via convectional heater. This effect makes it an excellent and highly efficient choice for task specific spot heating applying the heat where it is really required.
The electric heat can be accurately applied at the precise point needed in a process, at high concentration of power per unit area or volume. Electric heating processes are generally clean, quiet, and do not waste energy by warming up surroundings to achieve the same results.
FutureCarbon designs polymer systems with high electrical conductivity characteristics utilizing the excellent conductivity of carbon materials. A defined combination of different carbon materials is dispersed most homogeneously into an easy to apply, aqueous matrix system such as polyurethane, acrylic, etc.
The result is a new composite solution for electrical heating where the carbon material acts as the conductor in the matrix while the polymer is electrically isolating. Radiation heat is generated at the carbon-polymer-interfaces once a current flowing through the composite material is applied. The efficiency of our solutions converting the electrical to thermal energy is almost 100%
Through material excellence and patented processes FutureCarbon is in the position to precisely tune the electrical resistance of the polymer matrix and thus, able to address all voltage levels, e.g. from 12V up to 230V…or higher.
The solutions offered today are covering a very broad temperature range up to industrial temperatures of 500°C.  with the maximum temperature actually defined by the melting temperature of the respective polymer.

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