Wednesday 1 July 2015

Stainless Steel 3D Printing

1) 3D printing in stainless steel - A Prometal 3D printing machine uses an inkjet head to deposit an organic binder onto a stainless steel powder surface. Each layer of powder is adhered in succession until an object is formed. After the printing has finished the object is placed in an oven to cure the binder.
2) Infusion - Objects are taken from the ProMetal 3D printing chamber and excess stainless steel powder is removed. These objects are then transfered into a furnace container with bronze. This is heated in a furnace at a high temperature to infuse the bronze into the porous stainless steel objects. This produces a solid metal object that is a hybrid of stainless steel and bronze.
3) Finishing - The object is bead blasted to smooth the surface after the infusing process.


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