Wednesday 1 July 2015


Globomet® is a universal basis material made of metal, and can be shaped into virtually any form. globomet® can be produced so that it combines various characteristics that can be accurately customized - the perfect solution for many applications is in the automobile and mechanical engineering sectors as well as for catalysis in the chemical industry.

Styropor granules or other organic spheres are coated witha suspension made from metallic powder and binding substances.These green bodies then under go a debinding and sintering process. The result: metallic hollow spheres and hollow sphere structures with particularly thin and even wall thickness.

Depending on the customer's requirements, globomet® can be lightweight, stable, sound-absorbing and porous. All parameters can be customized precisely and reproducibly through the type of metallic powder used, the composition of the metallic powder and binder suspension and the production process.

Futher Processing
The metallic components from globomet® can be sawn, punched,drilled, brazed, welded and cut. Like other metallicmaterials, globomet® is easy to work and process.


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